A Word From ILTA's CEO
Well, I have been home from ILTACON for a week, but I'm still basking in the glow. Also, as I write, I am listening to Rocky Top, Dueling Banjos, etc. I’m not ready to let go of the Nashville spirit!
If you attended ILTACON 2024, you know what I mean. If you didn’t, let me try to capture it.
First, there is the family reunion component. ILTACON is first and foremost an educational conference where legal technologists come to learn from each other — gaining new ideas, being exposed to new products and services, and making connections that can last a lifetime. That latter piece is the family reunion part! Nothing beats Sunday at ILTACON, when everyone is arriving. Hugging long-time friends. Greeting people in person you have met only virtually. In some cases, team members meeting for the first time.
Second, there is inspiration. Our opening session Monday started with cloggers. Completely energizing! Then followed Hannah Fry’s amazing keynote. How can you not love a mathematician who wrote a book called The Indisputable Existence of Santa Claus? Her remarks about how we gather, maintain, present, and interpret data provided instant context for the rest of the week, especially the ongoing conversations about AI.
Third, AI. Well, I made it almost four paragraphs before mentioning AI. Discussions of AI were everywhere at ILTACON 2024, from the Exhibit Hall’s many new companies and new products from existing companies to conference sessions to hallway chats. Everyone wants to know what everyone else is doing. There was a sense of relief that nobody seems to be hugely ahead in this area (at least among law firms and law departments). There has also been a fundamental change in the discourse from “should we” to “how do we.”
Fourth, Innovation. From fewer than 20 three years ago, in 2024, we had well over ____ ILTACON attendees with Innovation in their titles. Look at these: Innovation Manager, Director of Practice Innovation and Technology Solutions, Chief Practice Innovation Officer, Innovations Manager, Director of Technology Innovation, Chief Knowledge & Innovation Officer, Innovation with Knowledge, with Operations, and even with Technology Architecture. Analysts, Directors, Managers, and more. We all want to innovate – and real innovation, not just “innovation theater.” We are putting organizational infrastructure in place to support that innovation.
Finally, there was something for everyone! AI. Yep. Innovation. We talked about that. But trainers and litigation support and e-discovery specialists, large organizations and small, corporate law departments and law firms, consultants and product developers. Press. Affiliates. Attendees from 34 countries. Sessions, parties, demos, meals, and conversations. Learning, friends, and fun. ILTACON is truly where people and technology meet to shape the future.
Hope to see you in National Harbor in 2025!